
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"

Taʻtīr al-anām fī tafsīr al-aḥlām [...] wa-bi-hāmišihā al-kitāb al-musammā Muntaḫab al-kalām fī tafsīr al-aḥlām [...]
Taʻtīr al-anām fī tafsīr al-aḥlām [...] wa-bi-hāmišihi Kitāb al-Išārāt fī ʻilm al-ʻibārāt [...]
Tawaddud al-ǧāriya
Tawḍīḥ al-marām wa-masraḥ al-afhām : šarḥ Tanbīh al-anām fī al-ṣalāt ʻalā ḫayr al-anām
Ṭawq al-ḥamāma fī al-ulfa wa-al-ullāf
Taysīr al-ʻallām šarḥ ʻUmdat al-aḥkām
The Arabic Hermes: From Pagan Sage to Prophet of Science
The A to Z of Sufism
The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
The book of contemplation: Islam and the crusades
The Burda with The Mudariyya and The Muhammadiyya ( Arabic Text, Translation and Transliteration)
The Cultivators of Islam
The Divine Flood: Ibrāhīm Niasse and the Roots of a Twentieth-Century Sufi Revival
The doctrine of Ahl al-Sunna versus the 'Salafi' movement
The First Book of Holidays
The garden of the Gnostics (Bustān al-ʻĀrifīn)
The great sins = al-Kabā'ir (Inǧilīzī)
The History of the Qur'an
The Holy War of Umar Tal
The Islamic Manuscript Tradition: Ten Centuries of Book Arts in Indiana University Collections
The Last Khedive of Egypt: Memoirs of Abbas Halmi II
The Life of Bruce, the African Traveller
The Life, Thought and Historical Importance of Abu Yazid Al­-Bistami
The manuscripts of parts 1 and 2 of Shams al-ʻulūm by Nashwān al-Ḥimyarī: a study of their relationship
The National Liberation Movement in the East