
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"


Loose folio (p. 180 / 181)

والتكبر مع المتكبرين العلم محسن \ بجهل قبيح الذكر كرنوس والغفلة ظلمات \ والله ءالم با الصوتب \ صفت ءيمان مجمل ءمنت با الله كما هو با ءسمائه \ وصفاته وقبلت [.؟.] واركانه صفت ءيمان مفصل ءمنته والبعث بغد والموت [.؟.] ءلله محمد رسول الله الله [...] محمد | الله الله [...] الله الله

Piece of paper with handwritten text placed between pages 180/181. Text on both sides of the paper. On the verso, only the word Allāh repeated several times.
