
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
To: Bashir Shikh Ali
Dear Brother, Accept my dearly and Brotherly salutes along with the happy and healthy XERTA from the Dariqa of Hargeysa. Brother, after a long struggle and patience, I have been nominated as the Director of the Administration for the Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Development. Now, I am doing well and hope will be better if you send me your praise (DUCO).
Brother, don't think that I forgot to send you the khidmah and friendly present or gift but unfortunately Hasan has decided to leave before I draw my salary. However, I will try to consider and contact with you as soon as we get paid by the Will of God.
I am well informed about your present condition and feel happy to know it. May allh help us all in fulfilling our service and commitments, أمين
Lastly, will you please convey my best Salams and regards to all my Brothers in the Maqaam & Dariiqa. Special Salams and respect to Shiikh Ali. Also, Ahmed Sanweyne, Abdigafar, Mohamed Hersi, Mohamed Awil, Hiis, and Aidrid, Awril and all other. Say Hello to the you boy (your cousin) from London. May Allah grants you long and healthy life. Acontacting you very soon, Abdulqadir Duale Ali
إلى بشير شيخ على بربره
الي الفدله طه ما انزلنا عليك القرءان ...
