
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"

  • 18r, 18v,

    Marginal notes marked Šarḥ [.?.]

  • 44r, 134r,

    Marginal notes marked Ǧawhara or Ǧawhar

  • Throughout,

    Marginal notes, no marks

  • 76v,

    Marginal notes, unclear

  • 101r,

    هو في اللغة الاثبات يقار قر الشئ اذا اثبت واقره اذا اثبته وفي الشرع هو اي الاقرار اخبار عن ثبوت حق الغير على نفسه ه