
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"

  • 62r, Ownership

    هذ كتاب ملك إدريس بن محمد غفر الله له ولوالديه

  • 62v,

    Invocation to God to ask health, nourishment and forgiveness.

  • 48r,

    Fā'ida on the name of the trees, dated 1280 H.

  • 43,

    Fā'ida on inheritance rules.

  • 44,

    Episode of the Miʻrāǧ of the Prophet.

  • 3r, Ownership

    ملك الكتاب شيخ يوسف

  • i v, Ownership

    ءدريس محمد وقريته سي سي وبلده دوي غفر الله له ولوالديه ولجميع المسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات ألأحياإ والءموات أمين