
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"


al-Šaqrāṭisī, ʻAbd Allāh b. Yaḥyā b. ʻAlī الشقراطسي , عبد الله بن يحيى بن علي
Abū Muḥammad ابو محمد
al-Tawzarī التوزري


  • Death


Biographic comments

Malikī faqīh and poet. He was born in Tawzar, studied in al-Qayrawān. He left for pilgrimage in 429 H and in travelling through Egypt jointed the battle against the crusaders.

His nisba al-Šaqrāṭisī is based on an old fortress called Šaqrāṭis, close to Qafṣa.

Brockelmann gives the patronym b. Abī Bakr (instead of b. Yaḥyā).

Additional information


Bibliographical references

Scribe of manuscript parts

Author of texts

Paratext references

Manuscript part references

Text references

Person references