
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"


al-Šāfiʻī, Abū ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad b. Idrīs b. al-ʻAbbās b. ʻUṯmān b. Šāfiʻ b. al-Sā'ib b. ʻUbayd b. ʻAbd Yazīd b. Hāšim b. al-Muṭṭalib b. ʻAbd Manāf b. Quṣayy al-Qurašī الشافعي, ابو عبد الله محمد بن ادريس بن العباس بن عثمان بن شافع بن السائب بن عبيد بن عبد يزيد بن هاشم بن المطلب بن عبد مناف بن قصي القرشي


  • Birth


  • Death


Biographic comments

Eponym of the Šāfiʻī school of jurisprudence. He revolutionized the approach to sources, balancing the use of ḥadīṯ with a limited recourse to the reasoning of the jurist. More than hundred works are attributed to him. Among those are the Kitāb al-Umm and the Risala.

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Bibliographical references

Scribe of manuscript parts

Author of texts

Paratext references

Manuscript part references

Text references

Person references