
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"


Zakkāriyāʼ b. Ǧibrīl b. Dawūd al-Bayyamdarī زكارياء بن جبريل بن دوود البيمدري
Šah Zäkkarǝyas
Šah Zakkāryās

Titles: šayḫ, šah


  • Death


  • Birth


Biographic comments

Ethiopian Muslim converted to Christianity, born around 1840 in Begemder from a Muslim family. After having received his traditional Islamic education, he moved to Soqota where he started teaching and where he started changing his exegetical approach towards the Qurʼān. In particular he was stimulated by some divine visions to compare its content to the New and Old Testament that ha had obtained in their Arabic version from the Swedish Mission. The new message he spreaded was that the Qurʼān does not contradict but supports the truths of the Christian faith, thus provoking the indignant reaction of the Muslim community. In 1906 he obtained from Menelik the permission to continue in his teaching which started to instigate conversions from Islam to Christianity. Šah Zäkkarǝyas was baptized in 1910, but he and his disciples were not assimilated by the Ethiopian Church. His thought has been transmitted by a work he wrote in Arabic in 1906/7, in Addis Ababa, also known in a following Amharic translation.

Additional information


Bibliographical references

Scribe of manuscript parts

Author of texts

Paratext references

Manuscript part references

Text references

Person references