
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"

Transliterated title Original title
Madḥ of the Prophet in ʻaǧamī Oromo
Poem in ʻaǧamī Oromo (5)
Poem in Arabic and ʻaǧamī Oromo (2)
Unidentified tafsīr
Comment to a text about Logic
Poem in Old Harari (14)
Poem in Old Harari (13)
Poem in ʻaǧamī ʻAfar (6)
Naẓm bi-al-ʻAfariyya"Yā Allāh kūm addatīmili ʻilmīkī" نظم بالعفرية يَا الله كُوْمْ أَدَّتِيْمِلِ عِلْمِيْكِيْ
Poem in Old Harari (12)
Carnet numismatique
Text about basic Islamic beliefs
Invocation for the last Wednesday of Ṣafar
Poem in ʻaǧamī Oromo (4)
Judgements of the Islamic court of Harar
Poem in Arabic and ʻaǧamī Oromo
Apologia dell'Islamismo
Fa'ida about the Mercy of Allah
Unidentified draft
Unidentified fiqh text
Madḥ of Aḥmad b. ʻUmar al-Tiǧanī (2)
Poem in praise of Aḥmad b. ʻUmar al-Tiǧanī (2)
Oromo praise of Aḥmad b. ʻUmar al-Tiǧanī (2)
Poem in ʻaǧamī ʻAfar (11)
Qaṣīda "Aḥmad Muḥammad nīmīnī" قصيدة أحمد محمد نِيْمِيْنِيْ
Naẓm bi-al-ʻAfariyya "Bi-ism Allāh falak al-ḥamd Rabb al-nās" نظم بالعفرية بسم الله فلك الحمد ربّ الناس
Registry of marriages and transactions
Arabic grammar in verses
Unidentified fiqh text (3)
Poem in ʻaǧamī ʻAfar (3)
Naẓm bi-al-ʻAfariyya "Ṣallī ʻalayhi yā Salām yā bārī" نظم بالعفرية صلى عليه يا سلام يا باري