
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"

Transliterated title Original title
Poem in Arabic and ʻaǧamī Oromo (3)
Brief collection of notes on the history of Harar during the Egyptian occupation
Unidentified tafsīr
Unidentified text about logic
Madḥ of the Prophet in ʻaǧamī Oromo (2)
Collection of Praises of the Prophet
Poem in ʻaǧamī ʻAfar (12)
Naẓm "Bi-ism Allāh Fayla l yā būyinabyū yiyā intī" نظم بسم الله فيل ل يا بوينبيو ييا انتى
Unidentified novel about Bilāl al-Ḥabašī
Collection of poems in ʻaǧamī Oromo
Text about death
Poem in ʻaǧamī Oromo (5)
Madḥ of Aḥmad b. ʻUmar al-Tiǧanī (2)
Poem in praise of Aḥmad b. ʻUmar al-Tiǧanī (2)
Oromo praise of Aḥmad b. ʻUmar al-Tiǧanī (2)
Poem in ʻaǧamī ʻAfar (7)
Naẓm "Yallaw naḥḥū kūkabbā nīnay kī" نظم يَلَّوْنَوْكُوْ كَبَّانِيْنَيْ كِيْ
Praise of an unnamed saint
Collection of devotional poems in ʻaǧamī Amharic
Sylloges of šayḫ Zäkkarǝyas
Poem in ʻaǧamī Amharic (7)
Poem in ʻaǧamī ʻAfar (20)
Ṣalāt ʻalā al-Nabī bi-al-ʻAfariyya "Nabī nūr salām ʻalayka" صلاة على النبي بالعفرية نبيو نور وسلام عليك
Poem in Old Harari (14)
Unidentified poem in Oromo (3)
Poem in Arabic and ʻaǧamī Oromo
Text about basic Islamic beliefs
Arabic grammar in verses
Taqrīẓa of Manhaǧ al-ṣawāb fī anna al-ṭarīqa al-Tiǧāniyya mu'assasa ‘alā al-sunna wa al-kitāb (2) 2 تقريظة منهج الصواب في أن الطريقة التجانية مؤسسة على السنة والكتاب
الف ليلة وليلة Alf layla wa-layla