
"The research leading to this database has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n°322849"



للبركة [تمحوه] [...] البسمله وصلى الله الخ ان هذا [لرزقنا] الآيه [...] ٣ ا ل ل ا ه ابراهيم [ميكائيل] جبرائيل عثمان احمد التجانى يا اهل الديوان احمد عمر [نكتب] صلاة الفاتح [.؟.] [بهذا] كله اه نقلته من الشيخ [ابا رايه] نقله من الفكى احمد [عر؟

The text is difficult to read but seems to be magical (cf e.g. that Allāh is written with separate letters). It contains a peculiar name sequence: "Ibrāhīm [Mīkā’lī] Ǧabrā’lī ʻUṯmān Aḥmad al-Tiǧānī yā ahl al-dīwān Aḥmad ʻUmar". The scribe states that he took the text from "al-Šayḫ [Abbā Rāya ?]" who again took it from "al-F-k-y Aḥmad ʻr ?".
